Jazmine Catasus invites participants to discover paper making with materials and equipment that can be found in most households or hardware stores. During this one and a half hour demonstration, Jazmine will demonstrate how to prepare an at home studio space for basic paper making, without the need for expensive and specialized equipment. Along with set up, the focus of this online workshop will be on building a mould and deckle, make pulp from recycled materials, and to pull and press handmade sheets.
Image Credit: Jazmine Catasus
JAZMINE CATASUS is an artist and educator based in New York City. She holds a BA from CUNY-Hunter College with a concentration in Printmaking. Following her college education, she was trained as a papermaker at Pace Paper and Dieu Donné Papermill. While at Pace Paper, she worked on projects for artists such as: Jane Hammond, Will Cotton, and Donald Baechler.