HAYVN Halftime: Beyond the Basics: Elevating Your Social Media Marketing Game

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HAYVN Halftime: Beyond the Basics: Elevating Your Social Media Marketing Game

June 12 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


With Julia Dzafic, the founder and voice behind the lifestyle blog Lemon Stripes and author of her new cookbook, Garden Grown.
REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/halftime-beyond-the-basics-elevating-your-social-media-marketing-game-tickets-794447653317?aff=oddtdtcreator&_gl=1*1jeptac*_gcl_au*NzUxNTk3MDUwLjE3MTEwMjc3MTk.*_ga*OTQ0NjQxMzE3LjE3MTEwMjc3MjA.*_ga_8VY00MFCH3*MTcxNzE2NDY1Ny4xMjQuMS4xNzE3MTY1MTUxLjYwLjAuMA..